Wednesday 28 September 2011

Star-Schmuck's Coffee House serving elite society coffee to start out their elitest day!

This web cartoon is pretty offensive so just to let people know before clicking!

I love the web cartoon Neurotically Yours, specifically when Foamy the Squirrel rants. When I was thinking about culture jamming, it made me think back to the episodes where the creator animated scenes at the coffee shop Star-Schmuck's Coffee House, which is parodying Star Buck's Coffee House. The videos demonstrate, in satire, that the individual can carry around their unique Star-Schmuck's coffee cup convey a meaning to others that they are trendy and loved by all. The coffee cup is totally a status symbol that you're a sophisticated person to buy a cup of coffee for $5.00! Thus, the customer is a schmuck for buying expensive coffee in which Foamy wants to fight back this coffee house propaganda.

It's funny how at a lot of stores and they offer the customer to use their special store credit card, points card or make a donation within the purchase of whatever before completing a transaction.

That huge 32 ounce coffee cup is so ridiculous. Who really needs that much caffeine? And's only $15.00!

I thought that it was sad that Foamy now has to buy Star-Schmuck's coffee in the end because they took over all of the local coffee shops within a fifty mile radius from his home.

Now the coffee clerk has to deal with the hipster, emo, punk and indie wannabes (who think they are original and unique) who hang out at the franchise.

It's unfortunate that the coffee clerk conveys the stereotypical gay persona, but yeah...

Electric Erio


  1. Hey Electric Erio,

    Good comment at the end, and I have a new way to waste many minutes of my life (Foamy the Squirrel) - so, thanks for that too :)

    Check out the comment I made on the Sara Haskins post over at Pop Culture - I'd write the same thing here, but to expedite, I'll send you there...and here to engage with "Star Schmucks" - incidentally, since it's Rosh Hashannah today, does anyone know what a "schmuck" is? [you don't have to post it, but in my never-ending pursuit of knowledge, it's fun to know what words mean and where they come from].

    The Doctor

  2. Hello Electric Erio,
    I enjoyed watching Foamy the Squirrel! The video clips were hilarious.
    You have grasped the message behind them excellently and I completely agree with you. Just for anyone who doesn't know.. a schmuck is an obnoxious fool! (How genius to call it StarSchmuck's Coffee) And so as you pointed out, people are willing to pay $5.00 plus for a "Grande Cafe Mocha with skim milk and low fat whip cream", simply because the social rewards are endless! Starbuck's or StarSchmuck's coffee tries to deliver the idea that their products are "hip", "trendy", "environmentally conscious", "delectable", "indulgent", "uptown", "superior", "loved around the world".. (you get my point). If "YOU" drink your coffee or your white latte at Starbucks, then YOU are probably seen as someone with intellect, style, good taste and sophistication.. who wouldn't pay $5.00 for that? Furthermore, Starbucks' sky-rocketed prices suggest that only middle to upper class citizens can afford to buy their coffee on a regular basis, indicating that Starbuck's customers are also viewed as wealthy.
    I personally am not a frequent visitor into any Starbuck's venue, simply because I don't buy the whole "consume our product to improve your worth" bullshit. Starbucks is simply just another large corporation trying to convince consumers that expensive is better. Who decided this?
    I goggled some info on Starbucks and found a website that broke down the cost of a cup of coffee.(below)

    The Price of a Cup of Coffee

    Milk 6%
    Coffee 2%
    Labour 18%
    Rent 13%
    Admin 26%
    Cup / sugar / lid e.t.c 4%
    V.A.T. 15%
    Profit 14%

    I'm not sure what some of these items represent, but it's interesting that profit is near the top, while the cost for the actual bean is the lowest. Is it any surprise Starbucks Coffee would import it's coffee beans from third world countries, only to pay the farmers practically nothing? Coffee is completely political!! I've said it once and I'll say it again, buy local. A cup of coffee from your local Calico's Cafe or The Study Coffee house still tastes just as great, it is half the cost, and supports local business :-)
    The Veiled Interpreter
