Tuesday 8 November 2011

The POWER of pine-sol:

It’s unreal how women are portrayed in cleaning commercials, and I can see from a lot of the other posts that other people have noticed the same things. When researching this topic, I remembered how I used to see all sorts of pine-sol commercials when I was younger, and knowing what I know now, and thinking back at the discussions we’ve had in class, it’s weird how I can now notice how ridiculous these commercials are, and how in most of them, it’s almost always the women cleaning.

In this one, it shows how wonderful a woman feels about cleaning their toilets and showers, and how they seemed to be so pleased about how much happier their life, with their families will be if they all chip in. The thing is, and as it is stated in the commercial, the wife gets the wonderful duty of cleaning the toilet and everything else that no one else in the house wants to touch. :) they are just SO happy.

In this cleaning product commercial, women are cleaning the household, and yet the men are cleaning the cars, and motorcycles. It definitely shows how gender in stereotyped and how things are labelled either masculine or feminine. 

With all that said, i do have to say how nice it is to see that some commercials are actually changing it up and showing men doing something rather than coming in from a long day at work, or watching their wives clean, this video shows just how caring and compassionate husbands can be to their wives after a long day.... NOT!:

-tm- blogger

1 comment:

  1. I love the videos you posted, and I just have a quick comment. Why in the world does Johnson advertise itself as being a "family company" when in actual fact their advertisements are completely gender stereotyped and for the most part patriarchal in nature? I don't feel as though that is a good representation of "family" at all... or at least not mine.
    The Veiled Interpreter
