Wednesday 2 November 2011


Take a look at this video!...... Whirpool...

The 21 seconds of this 'Spot Lavadora Whirpool' commercial is obvious proof that women are a major target for household product advertisements. I feel this is a great example of a variety of techniques companies use to remind women of 'their place'. 

This commercial connects with our class discussion on chick flicks. These types of films (and advertisements in this case) are designed to attract women and use the same 'story line' that women have claimed to love and watch over and over again. This 'typical chick flick' theme is presented when the woman in the ad gracefully prances over to her prince charming (the washing machine). This idea of the washing machine being the one she reaches out to and is so happy to find is the same idea seen in everyday chick flicks. The women always ends up running to the man and falling in love. The advertisement shows women that cleaning (household products and household duties) is their destiny in life. Once she has found the perfect washing machine, she can stop looking. This new fancy washing machine makes her feel complete. The washing machine is standing still, looking strong and sturdy (like the stereotypical man). Chick flicks typically use this theme too; once she finds her husband her life is complete. He means everything to her. The theme used is romance. The washing machine is seen as the romance in a women's life. This household product is made to look like her soul mate. The video is made to feel romantic through the use of dark lighting (setting the mood), soft pictures, transitions between pictures and different camera angles that are soft and slow, and the soft and seductive voice used for narration. This romance is advertised to women because they are trained to believe that is what they care about. The company tells women they need romance in their life to be happy. Other aspects of sexuality and romance in the commercial are present too. The woman used is a stereotypically beautiful woman; tall, blonde and skinny. They have her hair blowing in the wind and slow motion running towards the washing machine. Butterflies are used so softly and gracefully, making the video seem airy and light. The light and airy feel is just like the chick flicks we have studied. This ad can be considered 'light entertainment' in the sense that its 'fluffy' and we aren't expected to think much into it. This makes the women feel like they don't have to think about their choices; its obvious they need this specific washing machine. Butterflies are also girly and produce that same romantic feel we get from the previously talked about techniques. We can say the company has achieved 'emotional engagement'  as the overdramatic actions of the woman running over to her washing machine its definitely over the top. It gained 'real time' as the ad makes this woman seem like the real deal; the real representation of women in society (perfect). The video produces a a romantic feel when they do a close up shot on her face with long blinking eye lashes. The next shot does a close up on her lips. The woman in the video is pursing her lips making a kiss face that is supposed to be sexual and romantic. The company uses this advertisement to remind women their place is in the home using these products; and they should be satisfied with that.  

The video reminds women that their place is in the home. The end of the video says "sensing the difference" and that is telling women that if you are smart, you will understand that this washing machine is the answer to all your problems. Cleaning gives women their '6th sense'; their power. Cleaning is what makes them worthy individuals. The part that says 'results with a real sense of difference' really is saying if you are a women and have 'a lot of sense' you too will choose this washing machine. 

I feel like the ad is polysemic because its tells women they should love this machine because its romantic just like they should be. Its also is telling women they are good for nothing but cleaning. You can either see it as a light and fluffy ad that we are used to and enjoy,  or, we can see it as a horrible representaion that devalues women.  It can be considered a cultural dupe because women are being tricked into believing they are supped to be romantic creatures and this washing machine is what will allow them to achieve that position. 

Women are reminded that being a woman means doing the laundry. Having the latest and greatest household products make you feel young and alive just like the girl in tho video! The only thing you are good for is doing household chores, like the laundry. Strong powerful men love girls who are delicate and caring about the household choses. Remember to show how sexy you can be while doing the laundry, its such a romantic chore! ;)

When I was doing research for romancing in household advertisements I found (somewhere!!) that companies like to use European words/French words to name their products because it sounds more romantic. I must have read it in my research somewhere along the line but now i can't find it anywhere. Has anyone come across this? The title of the video I chose reminded me of this and I am curious now.. It makes sense though; sex sells! 

I found this whirlpool commercial on the blog below, it has a lot of other great stuff I hope to analyze in later blogs.



  1. Goldilocks,

    Great find, so hard to believe that everyday women are fed ads such as this and most don't take time to think about how idiotic it is.

    Laundry is a household chore,easily done by men and women. This is a pathetic attempt at making such a chore look luxurious.

    - Meryle Girl

  2. This ad made me laugh out loud. I gotta tell you, doing laundry is not a relaxing, beautiful, walk though a meadow experience. Granted, it's not the worst of my chores, but I never feel like that doing laundry. And I don't think it's just because I have to do my laundry at a laundromat, without a Whirlpool washer and dryer.
    I also found it really weird that this commercial made the washing machine seem almost sensual, sexy in a way. Sort of creepy if you ask me.

    Mr F.
