Tuesday 8 November 2011

You CAN be the perfect housewife!

Did you know Electrolux appliances can make you the perfect housewife? It's obvious in this commercial by using these products it will make your life easier, your kids will be amazed by you, and everyone in your family will love you and you'll love doing ALL the chores!

I find it hard to believe by owning a certain type of oven and washing machine that it will make your life this easy and perfect.  This brand is attempting to show that if you buy their product it will make your life this way, which is what every woman wants right?  I doubt from washing all the clothes, hosting a dinner, and cooking everything and having that kind of energy at the end of the day is the image of most women after that.  

This is the portrayal of women we see everywhere including commercials, movies, and most TV shows.  The woman who looks perfect all the time while doing all the housework, and making her children and husband happy, is the standard to which we are influenced to achieve.  It's difficult to comprehend when many women are also in the work field today that most women can pull that off with a job and still have the time and energy to run a household alone.  TV shows like the genre of soap operas are very encouraging of the housewife image.  The women are all perfectly made-up and seem to run a fairly impressive household amongst all the other drama.  In real life, as most people have parents who both work, most mothers do not work an 8-4 and come home and take care of all the chores.  More commonly I believe the chores are shared between children, and cooking is sometimes be done by the father, and that is the real family life most of us live and I don't understand what it is about that image that no media source thinks is right?

When these types of commercials are made, I feel as though for most women it would be hard to relate.  But is that what we want is to secretly he the hero of our home? The "Angel in the House"? We are shown everyday it is what we should want, but that's just not reality and I am glad I am not from a house hold where the mother is "perfect".  I come from a real family of shared responsibilities and am happy to say I do the laundry, and when I do not have a smile on my face.

- Regina Filangi

1 comment:

  1. I like this post, it is really hard to believe that some families actually have women who come home from work and still have to cater to everyone else in the household. I know from my own personal life, my mom was always a stay at home mom, because my dad wanted to make sure that she was able to raise us children and take care of the household. I saw how hard she worked just doing that. Me as a child had responsibilities but probably not as many as I would have had if my mom was working outside of the house. I know that when I have a family, I want to have a job outside of the house and I don’t want to have to live up to this "perfect housewife" image that many people expect from women. I will take care of my family but I think that it is a joint effort from everyone in the family.
    - tm-blogger
